Atlas - Find - 250



Make a find (or hide) that requires finders to follow a map.


1) Make a find* that requires you to follow a map. (Alternatively, you may place a hide that meets the same criteria.) This means that without following a map it would not be possible to find the geocache or letterbox.

An example of this would be a cache or letterbox that provides you a map at its initial location, which then leads you to the final container. Alternatively, you may need to use a map for a puzzle that leads you to the location of the hide. 

2) Take a photo to document your adventure and post it in our Facebook group! Alternatively, or additionally, feel free to share the social media platform of your choice with the tag #QuestScouts.

3) Along with your photo, use your post’s caption to tell us about your experience making the find.

Alternatively, or additionally, you may complete step 3 in the comments below!

*A "find" can be either a geocache or letterbox. Not familiar with either? Watch this video by Geocaching, the #1 lister of geocaches or read about letterboxing from Atlas Quest.