Micro Objective - Epic Proportions - 50



Make a micro sized find!


The find objective for Epic Proportions asked you to make a large find. Larges are fun because they're rare and can accept large trade items. Micros, on the other hand, are on the opposite side of the spectrum. Micros are the most common type of geocache hide and don't have much room for trade items. (For letterboxers, micros may be less familiar.) Micros are great because they can bring you to awesome urban locations and be hidden in fun, innovative ways.


1) Find and log a micro sized geocache or letterbox*. Micros are the size of a film canister or smaller. (If you're confused about sizing, the Groundspeak blog has published a handy explanation.)

2) Take a photo to document your adventure and share it on Instagram or Twitter with the tag #QuestScouts and #Geocaching or #Letterboxing. 

3) Tell us about your experience in the comments below. Leave a link to the listing of your find so that we can search for it when in the area!

*A "find/hide" can be either a geocache or letterbox. Not familiar with either? Watch this video by Groundspeak, the #1 lister of geocaches or read about letterboxing from Atlas Quest. However, if you've never geocached or letterboxed, we highly suggest you start with a different find objective. It's best to make 100+ finds before you hide.