Pop - Find - 200


Go on the hunt for a highly popular geocache or letterbox.


Some hides* are more POPular than others! For this objective, we’d like you to take the path more traveled while attempting to make a find.

1) Identify a popular hide that you’d like to search for.

If you opt for a geocache, identify a cache with at least 50 favorite points on geocaching.com. If you’d prefer to find a letterbox, identify a box labeled as a blue diamond.

2) Head out in search for the hide you identified! You don’t have to successfully make the find in order to complete this objective, but we wish you the best of luck!

3) Document your adventure with a photograph and post it in our Facebook Group.

4) Along with your photo, tell us about your adventure!

Let us know:

  • What geocache/letterbox did you search for? (Provide GC/AQ number if relevant.)

  • Was your hide a geocache or a letterbox?

  • How many people have made the find on that hide?

  • Why do you suspect the hide you chose is so popular?

  • Did anything interesting happen while you were searching?

  • Did you make the find?

*At Quest Scouts we use the term “hide” as an inclusive term that means either a geocache or a letterbox. Not familiar with either? Watch this video by Groundspeak, the #1 lister of geocaches or read about letterboxing from Atlas Quest.