Blackout - DIY - 250



Dine in the dark.


We experiences food through several, and some might argue all, of our senses. Of course, taste immediately comes to mind! However, just the smell of a good meal is enough to make our mouth water. And as the old saying goes, “you eat with your eyes first”! But what if we took away the visuals associated with food? Let’s experience darkness in a new way through dining in the dark!

1) Choose and prepare your space.

Option A- Restaurant

Did you know there are restaurants that exist to provide you the experience of dining in the dark? If you are lucky enough to live near one of these establishments, we encourage you (post COVID) to try one out.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Your objective is to dine in COMPLETE DARKNESS. Don’t choose a restaurant that simply happens to have low light.

Option B- Home

No “dark restaurant” nearby? Create your own! Choose a room, set up a dining table, and create darkness. You’ll need to go above and beyond just drawing the blinds! Do your best to make the room pitch black.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please know your own limits and be safe!

2) Prepare your food.

There are two options here! You could prepare the food yourself, OR EVEN BETTER, have someone else prepare it for you! This might be a great time to order takeout!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Know your limits and be safe! Set your food at the table BEFORE you turn out the lights! We also suggest avoiding sharp knives.

3) Dine in the dark!

4) Reflect on your “dark dining” experience in the comments below by answering the following questions:

  • Tell us about your preparation for dining in the dark. Did you travel to a restaurant? If not, how did you ensure your room was as dark as possible? What precautions did you take to keep yourself safe?

  • Who did you dine in the dark with? What did you eat, and who prepared the meal? What did you think of the food?

  • Describe the experience of eating in the dark? What were the drawbacks of eating without sight? What were the benefits?