Create a found plastic collage.
1) Spend some time familiarizing yourself with plastic collages. You can start with this Pinterest Board we’ve created for you.
2) Acquire a sturdy canvas that is AT LEAST 8.5x8.5” long. Sturdiness is key, as you’ll be adhering pieces of plastic to it- Consider a piece of wood or a painters canvas.
Attention: Please make sure that you don’t ignore the size specifications. This objective is worth BIG POINTS because we’re asking a lot of you here.
3) Find your plastic! This exercise is not intended to be done in one go, but rather over a longer period of time. As you move throughout your life, keep your eyes open to the world around you. Walking through the park and see a bit of discarded plastic? Pick it up! Save the top of your milk jugs instead of throwing them away! After a few weeks of collecting, you will have acquired quite a bit of material to work with.
4) Create your found plastic collage!
5) Take a photo of your finished collage and share it on Instagram or Twitter with the tag #QuestScouts. You can also share your experiences in our Facebook group.