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Do your best to have a "no waste" week.


1) If you’re not aware of what the “no waste” movement is, watch a few of these Ted Talks on the topic. Or, check out this quest’s second media objective for two documentaries on the topic.

2) For this week, we’ll be trying our hand at a “no waste” week. This is exactly what it sounds like- for one week, we will avoid creating waste. In order to do this, you’ll want to plan ahead. What can you do to help ensure you’re avoiding waste?

As this is only a week long objective, it would be relatively easy to simply grocery shop ahead of the week and then coast through. Try to put a real effort into this! Do your best to incorporate waste reducing tactics into your shopping.

Important: The point here is to give this a try, not to stress out. Depending on location, income, number of family members, and so much more, this objective will vary from person to person. If your “no waste” week looks like a “low waste” or “less waste” week, consider it a win.

3) Spend an entire week (seven full days) doing your best to have a no waste week.

4) Reflect on your water experiment in the comments below by answering the following questions:

  • Describe your “no waste” week. How successful were you in creating zero waste?

  • What did you do to make sure you created less waste this week?

  • What was your biggest failure in regards to your no waste week?

  • What was your biggest success?

  • Is there anything you learned this week that you’ll continue to do in the future?