Make a find inside a public library.
1) Make a find* INSIDE a library.
Find must require that you enter the library! This might mean that it is hidden in the library, or that you must gather information inside the library in order to make the find at another location.
You may decide to hide a geocache or letterbox in a library instead of finding one for this objective. (If you do, make sure you get permission!)
2) Take a photo that documents your adventure and post it in our Facebook group. Alternatively, you can post it on Instagram or Twitter with the tag #QuestScouts.
3) Along with the photo, tell us about your experience! If applicable, include the geocache/letterbox number.
*A "find" can be either a geocache or letterbox. Not familiar with either? Watch this video by Geocaching, the #1 lister of geocaches or read about letterboxing from Atlas Quest.