Prism & Light - Find - 300



Make six finds whose titles contain the colors of the rainbow.


1) Find and log between one and six geocaches or letterboxes whose title contains a color of the rainbow. 

Each geocache title should contain one of the following colors:

a) Red

b) Orange

c) Yellow

d) Green

e) Blue or Indigo

f) Purple or Violet

An example of a geocache with a color in the title would be GC5P2DE, Eastern Red Rock.

The Nitty Gritty: 

  • Feel free to use alternative names for colors, but make sure the word is intended to describe a color in the cache title. For instance, "lemonade" is technically a crayola crayon color. If the hide is about a bright yellow building that has nothing to do with beverages, go ahead and use it. If the hide is about a lemonade stand, and is not referring to a color, find something else. 
  • Do not repeat colors for points. Once you've logged a cache with a color from one of the above groups, you must choose a different group for your next cache. 
  • Each unique color (a-f below) earns you 50 points. Finding and logging all six groups is the only way to get all 300 points. 

2) Let us know what caches or letterboxes you found in the comments below. (Include the GC/AQ# if applicable.)

3) Take a photo to document your adventure and share and share it on Instagram or Twitter with the tag #QuestScouts. You can also share your photo in our Facebook group.

4) Tell us about your experience in the comments below. 

*Not familiar with geocaching? Watch this video by Groundspeak, the #1 lister of geocaches! You may also find a letterbox for this objective, but we will be using geocaching terminology from here on out for the sake of word flow.