Construct a mint tin catapult.
Let’s make small objects soar to great heights with a mini-catapult! Sometimes it's fun to create something silly, and this definitely fits the bill. Give your finished result to a lucky kid or keep it on your desk.
1) Find a tutorial that works for you.
The above video is great because it provides step by step instructions. If you'd like you can download instructions for $1.99. (Note: Quest Scouts is not affiliated with this site. You can probably get by without them, but might find them helpful.)
Instructables also has a good tutorial.
Still not satisfied? Googling "Mint Tin Catapult" will bring up several variations, so feel free to make one of those instead.
2) Construct your mint tin catapult.
3) Take a photo of your finished catapult and share it in our our Facebook group.