Weekly Challenge - January 15, 2024

Weekly Challenge:
Wish You Were Here 📬

This week’s challenge is to invite a friend on a 2024 adventure through a postcard!

As always, January is all about ADVENTURE at Quest Scouts. Whether you choose to join us for 50 Adventures 2024 or not, completing January’s challenges will help you to slow down and plan a bit of adventure into your year.


1) Think of a friend that you would like to go on adventure with in 2024.

2) Choose an adventure you would like to go on with them! This could be something BIG (like an epic road trip to a national park), something smaller (like trying out a new fondue restaurant) or something in between.

3) Acquire a postcard. Any postcard will do, but it would be neat if you chose one that reflects the adventure. You could even design your own postcard!

4) The goal here is for your postcard to become an invitation to adventure! Write a message on your postcard that invites your friend on the adventure you identified.

5) Take a photo of your postcard and/or message and share it in a comment on our Facebook Page on the post “Wish You Were Here 📬.” (Posting on our Facebook Page is what reminds us to award you your well deserved star!)

6) Along with your photo, tell us what adventure you chose, who you chose to invite, and why you think that person might like the adventure.


To collect your star, you must:
-Leave a post on our Facebook post as outlined above, (Step 5 & 6)
-before January 29th, 2024
-while holding an active Quest Scouts membership

Have you checked out
50 Adventures 2024?